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ESA Esculap Tokens

ESA Esculap Whitepaper

ESA Esculap token supports the infrastructure for DLT Database, AI health history analysis, NFT holograms, and programmable TENS and MEMS generators with quantum and white noise input signals in pro health applications for DARQ society.

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We have developed an MVP that utilizes AI algorithms based on language and image recognition to automatically manage token exchanges. This system predicts short and long-term health, physical, and mental conditions, and adjusts lifestyle recommendations accordingly.

Our business model is built around smart contracts, user inputs, distributed databases, financial maintenance, and community engagement. It is closely aligned with the unique features of distributed ledger technology (DLT), and is centered on the functionality of the ESA Esculap Token. Our model incentivizes users to increase network value through their activities, and they are rewarded with tokens which can be used for payment within the health industry.

The ESA Esculap Token serves as the backbone of our model. It provides cryptocurrency exchange capabilities and additional functionality for interactions within the ESA Esculap Society, financial transactions via ESA DLT e~Banking, and the health and therapy data AI analysis on Esculap Network.

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